创始人Tommy Wong、David Ngan与Nancy Yeung来自於香港,都有超过四十余载的餐饮从业经验,在大温哥华地区餐饮界享有盛名,三位竭力推广粤菜饮食文化,对食材品质、服务质量和环境卫生都有严格要求,在菜品上与主厨不断推陈出新,为顾客奉上最纯正的粤式餐饮体验。
伟大的餐厅永远离不开热情好客的服务团队,钓鱼台海鲜酒家的服务团队能够给顾客提供满意服务,并且非常注重细节。我们的服务团队由经理赖志明带领,还有Kitty, Raymond, Fredy和Winson几位经理们共同服务广大顾客,秉承钓鱼台海鲜酒家真诚待人的精神,二十五年来为加国内外无数顾客提供一流的服务,使顾客有宾至如归的感觉并流连忘返。
Our Founders: Tommy Wong, David Ngan and Nancy Yeung immigrated to beautiful BC from Hong Kong. With over 40 years of combined restaurant experience, the three founders are well known amongst their peers in the food industry. Tommy, David and Nancy has successfully promoted their love of the Cantonese dining culture through hard work and dedication in Fisherman’s Terrace Seafood Restaurant. Tommy, David and Nancy's goal is to always provide the best food, beverage and service, as possible to their customers.
The Head Chef - Sau Sang Leung and The Dim Sum Chef - Jie Wen Ouyang: the two together, have up to 30 years of experience in creating traditional Cantonese food which starts with sourcing the best and freshest ingredients available and leading their kitchen staff to create, cook and serve, nothing but the very best to our customers.
Great restaurants need great services. With our general manager - Simon Lai, leading Kitty, Raymond, Fredy & Winson, our management team provides outstanding services to our customers.
With nearly 25 years of business, Fisherman’s Terrace Seafood Restaurant continues to flourish through excellent quality of food and service.